
The modern recreational dimension of sailing that we so much enjoy nowadays was totally unknown to our forefathers and ancestors for whom sailing was a way of living. Sailing served for people and goods transportation; it was the heart of the international commerce, the best way to carry military forces around and the ideal way to explore and discover new lands. Moreover, when we say sailing, we also think of unwritten laws and rules of conduct, special secret codes, pirates and sea raids. And history only proves it that nations with powerful sailing forces could conquer the world: the Romans, the Carthaginians, the Vikings, the British, the Spanish or the Portuguese.

At one time or another they all established true empires by their sailing skills and brought a new face to the world in their exploration or conquest missions. Presently, sailing has become more of a sport or a leisure activity, without any purpose in itself other than fun. Sails stopped being practical the moment the power engine was invented and changed the course of history for good. Why depend on wind and water currents, when an engine could take you much faster and independently of the laws of nature? Sailing is now for people who simply enjoy it, as it ceased to be a necessity a long time ago.

The sailing trend is reflected in the number of schools, programs and associations that help people develop the navigation skills necessary to master a boat by themselves. The technical part of this learning process is very important, together with a firm knowledge of weather, water currents movements, wind advantages and disadvantages and the like. Besides traditional sailing forms that are still preserved in the use of yachts, cruisers and catamarans, there are other types of sailing that diverge from their origin. This is the case with land or ice sailing, that rely on aerodynamics exclusively for their propulsion.

Last but not least, sailing is a favorite vacation choice as thousands of people prefe cruisers, yachts and catamarans to enjoy some of the most beautiful waters in the world. It goes without saying that the warm waters on the globe are the favorite destinations: beaches, islands, coral reefs, lagoons and river mouths make sea sailing highly rewarding. On the other hand, rivers will always leave the impression that sailing is more dynamic and picturesque in a rather unique way if we think about the opportunities of visiting more places than one.