Sailing Gear

Sailing gear makes life a lot more comfortable aboard, from chairs to unbreakable china and navigation technical equipment, there is a wide range of improvement items that you can take with you on the boat. Even if the vessel be rented, and you expect it to have everything you need, it's better to have your stuff with you, just in case. Here are some tips about the things that should not be absent from the sailing gear of both professional and amateurish sailors.

The common sailing gear accessories include the regular warm or thin clothes, special footwear, gloves and sunglasses. The issue with such items is that you need to purchase the right fabric that ensures comfort and safety on various temperatures and weather conditions. Wet, cold and heat are the main challenges of sailing, just like in the case of any other outdoor activity.

The hat is a sailing gear item that is very often neglected or chosen wrong. Though the sun is the main weather element to find protection against, do not overlook the fact that the wind could make the wearing of a hat pretty impossible. This means that you have to choose a hat that stays tight without the possibility of being blown off easily.

What elements are there to consider for one ready to invest in sailing gear? First of all, gloves and special foot wear like dinghy boots for instance, are first on the list. Then, there is the life jacket and the foul weather sailing gear. The latter includes both pants and jacket that keep off humidity. And last but not least, there are the wet and dry suits that should not miss from the sailor's wardrobe; they keep you warm even in water or on very cold weather.

To name just a few of the navigation sailing gear devices that you should have with you, the radio and the hand compass are necessities. The radio enables one to communicate either vessel-to-vessel or vessel-to-shore; the main purpose of such a device is safety, but operational means are also possible, when you need some navigation clarifications. Moreover, with this kind of sailing gear you have access to weather channels all the time receiving alerts on weather emergencies when they happen.

Then, the hand compass makes an excellent navigation tool that complements or backups the function of the steering compass. A good hand compass allows the sailor to promptly and effectively correct any possible deviation, which could be essential to avoid an eventual collision. Choose such sailing gear responsibly, on quality considerations only: we are talking about your safety and that of anyone aboard.